Monday, April 25, 2011


O que posso dizer agora?
Tivemos dias difíceis, eu sei
Mas desa vez você foi embora
E eu? Sem você, fiquei
Não sou perfeita, nem você foi
Mas os dias que ficam
Não lembram motivos
Recontam a história de amor
Na tristeza da sua partida
Não posso pedir nada mais do que paz
Que você siga sempre sua vida
Que eu sigo te amando cada vez mais

Para minha amiga Bia, que Deus diminua sua dor. Amo você.

So Far

There's no use in pretending
Not to have regrets or doubts
Even as life keeps changing
We're always wondering about
All the things we wish we had
Some we'd rather have not
Everything that time made past
Reasons to where we got
No use in asking questions
We hold no answer to
If life change its directions
So far it's made us new
Sure not all things were that good
Nor that bad just the same
The glass we now see through
Has time for its frame
Thank life we all must
For bringing us where we are
And change, we all trust,
Will get us very far

Sunday, April 24, 2011

To whom it might concern

Darling, I wish you knew
The things I've seen you do
I wish you'd care I'm proud
I wish you'd let me say it loud
Instead I see you've changed
In ways I can't quite explain
And all I knew is not the same
To make sure, I look again
Darling, I beg of you, stay
I really have a lot to say
The words I hear you speak
Sound lost and out of beat
Why won't you believe me now
I've seen you when you're real
It's gotten lost somehow
And that's the biggest deal
You sound too right all the time
No one can handle that
Let others speak their minds
And trust some other facts
For starters leave me be
As I am different, you see
I love you nonetheless
You love me at your best.

Onde, Aonde, Donde

Onde se cria a vida
Que se gera em dias
Se funde em horas
Se extende em memórias?
Aonde foram os sonhos
Em que tudo podias
Vislumbres das almas
Autores de histórias?
Donde vem os amantes
Que de suas agonias
Fizeram dos sonhos a vida
E da morte sua derradeira glória?
É que não se responde
A palavra que voa
Pois tudo vem, está e se cria
No fundo de toda alma boa

Saturday, April 23, 2011

The word

There’s a word I’ve been looking for
That holds the meaning to nothing more
It speaks for all my silent claims
And stands for a life I’m yet to gain

There’s no need to rush time
When all the other words I rhyme
Will have to make do for now
As long as that word can’t be found

A lot to say in many ways
Nothing to keep inside in pain
In searching for that stranded word
I’ve been finding my own world

When it finds me I’ll be complete
The longing for a meaning, ceased
And all the writing will then be gone
Every tale will have been told

Thursday, April 21, 2011


Minhas raízes só me fazem mover
Saio de mim por meus ninhos
Nada me prende em lugares vazios
A não ser o medo de não me perder

Pés flutuantes de imaginação
Seguem histórias de cada estação
Ainda que anos se deixem passar
Os dias vividos se fazem contar

E assim seguindo nessa estrada
Caminhando com asas e mais nada
O ser que se tem por próprio senhor
Em tudo se dá inteiro de amor

Por isso me estendo por todos o verso
E escrevo de mim sendo universo
Porque minhas raízes me levam a crer
Na etérea verdade de querer viver

One of these days

One of these days I'll write you a song
In hopes that you may want to sing along
I promise to choose each word I sing
Just so you know what I really think

One of these days you'll hear me speak
Of all that's been and lived and ceased
But should you find it hard to surmise
I'll try to show what's been on my mind

I'll make a rhyme one of these days
That settles the question of wandering hearts
In the meantime all I have to say
Is written in pieces and displaced parts

Therefore I suggest you do as you wish
And carry on seeking for "musts" and "needs"
For one of these days my tune will play
And I will have nothing left to say

Thursday, April 7, 2011


Esse teu pranto que os anjos levaram,
Ninguém pode ouvir sem chorar
Essa canção que teus sonhos embala
É a minha oração que vai sempre soar
Foi crueldade que levou teu futuro
E sem teu amanhã muita gente ficou
Nem teu sorriso um coração tão duro
Fez perceber o que desmoronou
E agora, onde quer que estejas
Não há homem mau que te possa assustar
Então sorri teu sorriso em leveza
Que no mundo vivemos, de tua falta, o pesar
E tenha toda paz e o amor
Que esse mundo não pode te dar
Seja criança, a mais linda flor
Até quando formos nos encontrar

*In Memorian das crinaças mortas na chacina de Realengo no dia 07/04/2011

Sunday, April 3, 2011


As I walk the thinnest lines
And stand between my dreams
I can't help but wonder why
Nothing is what it all seems

And that which I once believed
To be happiness at its best
Appears so average now it's dimmed
And lonely, even, sad

What I so feared would make me hurt
Show the bareness of my soul
Has only made me alive and pert
Loving me as a whole

So dreams, I ask, where have you gone
I can barely see your faces
New memories and soties have become
My deepest, strongest traces